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Dec 9, 2021

How do you get a "picky" eater to try and explore new foods?  What is food neophobia? Why is structured eating so beneficial? And is it OK to use food as a parenting tool?

Here to help explore and answer some of these questions with us today is Maryann Jacobsen, MS RD.

Maryann is a registered dietician and...

Oct 27, 2021

After her mother and sister were both diagnosed with breast cancer, Gabriela Navejas, the co-founder of Madame Gabriela lipsticks, made the commitment to reduce her exposure to potentially harmful chemicals — including those that might be lurking in her cosmetic products.

While she was able to relatively easily...

Oct 20, 2021

Do you ever look at your trash at the end of the week and feel a bit guilty because of all the plastic packaging and food waste you created (if you do, please don't!)? Looking for simple tricks, tips, and ideas on how you might be able to reduce your food waste and single-use packaging without feeling overwhelmed or...

Sep 29, 2021

According to a new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the calories that children and adolescents consumed from ultra processed foods, i.e. foods the study defines as ready-to-eat or ready-to-heat dishes which often contain more sugar and salt, and less fiber than unprocessed...

Sep 22, 2021

Jenn Harper woke up in the middle of the night in 2015 after having, as she shares, a “crazy dream.” A dream where Native girls were playing with lip gloss, making a mess but, above all else, filled with JOY!

She jumped out of bed, reached for pen and paper and proceeded to write down everything she had witnessed...